Frequently Asked Questions

EEG (Eletroencephalogram)

This test is done by one of our specially trained technicians which will measure the electrical activity of the brain.

What to expect:

  • An EEG technician will attach many small metal electrodes to your scalp using a thick paste.
  • The electrodes are connected to a computer that traces the natural electrical impulses of your brain. (This test does not shock or send any electricity to you.)
  • The technician will ask you to breath in and out very quickly, and may use a flashing light to record your brain's response.
  • The technician may record while you are both awake and asleep.
  • At the end of the test, the technician will assist you in cleaning the paste from your scalp.

How to prepare for the test:

  • Limit sleep/rest, to no more than 5 hours, the night before your appointment; your test is more comprehensive if you can sleep/rest during your EEG.
  • Please arrive with clean, dry hair (no hairspray, gel oils, conditioners or other hair products).
  • If you have a weave in your hair please let the technician know before starting the test.
  • Avoid all beverages/food containing caffeine and sugar for 8 hours before EEG.
  • Show up to appointment 10-15 prior to scheduled time.
  • Continue medications unless otherwise specified by your ordering physician.

Items to bring:

  • Photo ID
  • List of medications you are currently taking
  • Insurance card

NCT (Nerve Conduction Testing) and EMG (Elctromyography)

These tests help your doctor determine if a disease or clinical condition is affecting nerves or muscles by measuring the extent and severity of a suspected underlying disease process.

What to expect:

  • Your nerves will be tested by delivery of a small electrical impulse to various places on your limbs.
  • The physician will insert a very thin needle electrode through the skin to test the electrical activity given off by your muscles.
  • You may be asked to contract the muscle after the electrodes are placed (bending your arm).
  • The electrical activity seen on the monitor provides information about your muscle's ability to respond when the nerves of your muscles are stimulated.
  • Your muscles may feel slightly tender for a few days following the test.

How to prepare for the test:

  • The area/s being tested should be clean. Do not use oils, lotions, perfumes or powders. Necessary gowns will be provided to you.
  • If you are taking blood thinners or anticoagulants, inform the person performing the test.
  • Continue medications unless otherwise specified by your ordering physician.
  • Show up to appointment 10-15 prior to scheduled time.

Items to bring:

  • Insurance Card
  • Photo ID
  • List of medications you are currently taking

AEEG and Video AEEG

This test measures the electrical activity of the brain over a prolonged period of time

What to expect:

  • An EEG technician will attach many small metal electrodes to your scalp using a clear adhesive and paste.
  • The electrodes are hooked by wires to a small, portable recording unit that will record the electrical activity in your brain. (This test does not shock or send any electricity to you)
  • The portable recording unit will record while you are both awake and asleep
  • To help your doctor understand what occurred during the testing period, you may be asked to write down all the things you did during the recording in a notebook provided to you by the technician. You may be asked to record activities such as eating, speaking, watching TV, etc.
  • When testing is over, you will return to have the electrodes removed and to return the portable recording unit.

How to prepare for the test:

  • Limit sleep/rest the night before your appointment; your test is more comprehensive if you can sleep/rest during your EEG
  • Please arrive with clean, dry hair (no hairspray, gel or hair products)
  • Wear comfortable clothing and button up shorts
  • If you wear weave in your hair please let the technician know before starting the test
  • Please do not consume caffeine for 8 hours prior to your test
  • You should not bathe while undergoing an ambulatory EEG.
  • Show up to appointment 10-15 prior to scheduled time.

Items to bring:

  • Insurance Card
  • Photo ID
  • List of medications you are currently taking

Evoked Potentials

What to expect:

  • You will be instructed about what to wear to your appointment, what to eat before the test, how the test will be performed, and how the test will feel.
  • Before an evoked potential test, you may need to stop taking certain medications that impact your nervous system.
  • The night before or the morning of your evoked potential test, shampoo your hair, rinse with clear water, and do not apply conditioner or styling products after shampooing.
  • Special sensors called electrodes will be placed on your skin in the areas where your nerves will be tested. Where the electrodes will be placed will depend on the type of response being recorded.
  • A stimulus will be provided to measure the time it takes for nerves to respond to the stimulation as well as the size of the response.
  • A computer will measure your brain's response to the stimulation and will identify the location of any nerve damage.

How to prepare for the test:

  • Show up to appointment 10-15 prior to scheduled time.

Items to bring:

  • Insurance Card
  • Photo ID
  • List of medications you are currently taking